Modern slavery resources

Downloadable materials, videos, guides and toolkits about modern slavery in Australia.

Red Cross has developed a suite of materials with important information about modern slavery for community members and frontline workers.

The materials include downloadable resources explaining human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude indicators and where to get help, and educational videos.

Downloadable materials

A flyer, postcard, brochure, smaller discreet brochure and poster are available to download below.


Digital flyer

Digital flyer

Digital checklist

Digital checklist



Domestic servitude

Watch this video if you would like to learn more about domestic servitude in Australia, who it affects, its impact on individuals, what the signs are, how to identify it, and what you can do if you think someone is being exploited.

English with subtitles

Forced labour

Watch this video if you've ever wondered what forced labour is, who it affects, what the signs are, how to identify people in a forced labour situation, and what you can do if you suspect a case of forced labour.


Forced marriage

These videos were made by, with and for communities affected by forced marriage.

Learn more about forced marriage »

Forced marriage in Australia
Forced marriage vs arranged marriage
Gender and forced marriage

Modern slavery

Watch these videos to hear stories from people who have experienced modern slavery and understand ways people at risk can access support.

Learn more about modern slavery »

Modern slavery and how to get help
Exploitation at work and how to find help

Guides and toolkits

Addressing Modern Slavery: a guide for Australian businesses

Red Cross has developed an introductory guide for Australian businesses on understanding and addressing modern slavery which we hope will help reporting entities and their suppliers in meeting their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018.

file_download Download the guide

Community Partner toolkit cover.PNG

Community partner: Modern Slavery toolkit

Red Cross have created this toolkit to assist our smaller community partners to understand and address modern slavery.

file_download Download the guide

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