Cyclone Debbie

We're here to support the long road to recovery

More three months after Tropical Cyclone Debbie, Australian Red Cross is on the ground to check how residents are coping with the clean-up.

So far, Red Cross have reached out to over 27,000 people as they recover from the disaster.

Powerful winds and severe floods damaged thousands of homes in South East Queensland and Northern NSW, leaving families to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Through door-to-door outreach and Community Recovery Information Centres, we've been giving much needed psychosocial support - offering people a listening ear and a place to share their experiences, and referring people to the information and services they need to rebuild their lives.

"We go in with and open mind and listen, people often just want to talk about their experiences as a way to process what's happened," said Red Cross Outreach Team leader Zach McEvoy.

Read more about how Red Cross is supporting people after Cyclone Debbie.

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Cleaning up after a flood?

Here are some useful tips.

Useful contacts

For people wanting information on family or friends 
Use the Register.Find.Reunite. service at or call 1800 100 188.

For help with flood or storm damage (both Queensland and New South Wales)
Call the State Emergency Service on 132 500

For support services from the government 
QLD: Call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 or visit
NSW: Call the Disaster Assistance Welfare Line on 1800 018 444 or visit

For mental health enquiries or people in crisis 
Call Lifeline on 13 11 14

For insurance claims 
Call the Insurance Council of Australia on 1800 734 621 for general enquiries about claims

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