Register.Find.Reunite. launched to reunite families and friends impacted by Dandalup Bushfire

4 November 2023

Australian Red Cross has opened Register.Find.Reunite. and is urging people affected by the bushfire in the Mandurah area, near to Dandalup in the Shire of Murray, to get in touch with their families and friends.

Australian Red Cross State Manager for Emergency Services, Jennifer Pidgeon said being separated from family and friends is one of the most stressful things a person can experience during an emergency.

“Not knowing where your loved ones are, not being able to contact them by phone or email adds to that anxiety,” Ms Pidgeon said.

“The service helps find and reunite family, friends and loved ones during a disaster.”

If you or a loved one has been impacted by the Dandalup Bushfires, Australian Red Cross encourages you to register or enquire through the Register.Find.Reunite. service. People can register and look for someone with Register.Find.Reunite. on the Australian Red Cross website at from a computer or any mobile device.

If internet and mobile devices are down due to the emergency, people can also register and enquire via the phone on numbers 1800 442 182 (Australia wide) or internationally from +61 (7) 3055 6230 (international calls only).

The Register.Find.Reunite. service matches registrations from people affected by an emergency to enquiries made by their loved ones searching for news. Where a match is made, the person who made the enquiry will be notified.

It is important for emergency management agencies to know where people are during emergencies. By registering with Register.Find.Reunite. you are also letting important services know that you are OK and what support you may need.

Media inquiries: or 1800 733 443

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