Red Cross supports reconciliation by actively integrating First Nations culture and history into our workplace. The Traditional Owner Acknowledgement Sign was developed as a demonstration of our respect for First Nations people and cultures.  

What is the meaning behind our Sign?

The Acknowledgement Sign is a powerful symbol of respect for the traditional owners of our lands. It uses contemporary imagery to represent the ancient cultural practices and inherent ties First Nations peoples have to country and the respect we all must give when entering, living and working on their lands. The overall shape of the logo is a Sign used throughout the country.



Symbolic of x-ray art commonly found throughout the Country, this image represents the Emu Bush, which is commonly used for smoking ceremonies. This image also contains stylised motifs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander figures throughout.  

Smoking or Warming Ceremonies are practices that involve burning native plants to produce smoke or the warming of people who enter country with water (generally poured over the head). Both have cleansing properties, the ability to ward off evil spirits, and are an important part of welcoming someone on to the lands of the Traditional Custodian Group. 

Aboriginal Icon

Symbolic of freshwater and saltwater, which is sometimes used for warming throughout the Country. This element is broken into two distinct areas defining Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures.  



Torres Strait Islander 

Who created the Sign?

Aboriginal designer Leigh Harris Ingeous Studios was commissioned to create this unique artwork in 2016. What is the Sign used for?

  • Email signatures
  • Red Cross building entrances
  • In digital and printed materials
  • Our intranet and external website
  • As an Acknowledgement in live and online meetings and presentations


What else does Red Cross do to create a culturally safe workplace?

Examples of our First Nations cultural resources and learning activities include:

  • Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Developed by our National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team in collaboration with representatives from across the organisation, the RAP is a transparent means of tracking our reconciliation goals. Our fourth RAP will be available later in 2022.
  • The Red Cross-designed Cultural Ladder training resource, which aims to grow the skills, knowledge, capabilities and behaviours​ of staff, volunteers and members.
  • Encouraging staff to share I will statements and plans. The 'I will…' statement is a simple statement that details the steps an individual can take to further reconciliation.

I Will plan

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