Who is collecting the information?
Australian Red Cross Society (Australian Red Cross) is collecting your personal information.
Facts and circumstances of collection
Your personal information (including sensitive information) is collected from you directly and may also be collected from third parties, such as service providers that conduct police checks or other third parties such as regulatory authorities.
Is the collection being made because a law or Court order applies?
No law or Court order applies to the collection of this information.
Why does Australian Red Cross need to collect this information?
We need to collect this information so:
As part of our assessment process, we also require pre-start checks. These checks may include a police check, a working with children check, a health check and a check with regulatory authorities. We will tell you if we require more information from you and that information must be provided to us for your application to proceed.
Please note that if you subsequently join Australian Red Cross as a volunteer or employee, any personal information we have collected will form part of your records with us.
The primary purpose for which the information is being collected
The primary purpose of collecting this information is to assess your application, and if successful, to engage you as an employee or volunteer. We will use your information to communicate with you, to manage your employment or volunteer role on an ongoing basis and so that you can perform your employment or volunteer role. This includes maintaining a record of your assignments, roles, compliance, training, and awards. Ongoing management also includes assessing health and safety risks and implementing risk mitigation strategies.
The secondary purpose for which Australian Red Cross is collecting this information
The secondary purpose for collecting this information is to include your profile in our database and contact you in future if employment or volunteering opportunities arise that match your preferences or suit your skills and experience.
Who are we likely to share this information with?
The information you submit to us may be shared with:
Access and correction requests
You can update your profile from our recruitment system by accessing your account using your login. Information about your right to access your information and request corrections is set out in the Australian Red Cross Privacy Policy.
Consent to use and collect personal and sensitive information
As part of assessing your application and our risk management processes, we may collect sensitive information from you. This may include information about your race, health, criminal record, membership of trade or business associations and other information relevant to your application that is included in the category of “sensitive information” under the Privacy Act 1988.
By submitting your application to Australian Red Cross:
What happens if Australian Red Cross doesn't collect this information?
If Australian Red Cross does not collect this information from you, including your real name, we will be unable to consider your application.
Will my information be stored offshore?
Your information is stored in Australia by Australian Red Cross. Sometimes information technology providers that we may disclose your information to are located outside Australia. For example, we may disclose your information to service providers in the United States.
Privacy concerns or complaints can be sent to:
Privacy Officer
Australian Red Cross Society
23–47 Villiers St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Tel: 1800 RED CROSS (733 276)
Email: privacy@redcross.org.au
Information about how to complain is in the Red Cross Privacy Policy.
You can also complain directly to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at oaic.gov.au
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