Emergency relief for migrants

Help for asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants who have no other support.

Apply for emergency relief support

Help for people on temporary visas.

We have grave concerns for those asylum seekers who have lost basic assistance following changes to their visa conditions.

We have expanded our emergency relief assistance for people affected by these changes to ensure they are not left destitute.

You can help today with a tax-deductible donation.

Our emergency relief

We provide financial and material assistance to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Australia who are suffering financial hardship and are not eligible for other support.

We help to meet the most urgent needs through:

  • food packages for families who might otherwise go hungry
  • household goods, groceries and transport vouchers
  • healthcare and essential medicines
  • social and community activities to maintain people's wellbeing.

Each year we help over 2,000 people in this way. Many of them have experienced torture and trauma, speak little or no English, and live with fear and uncertainty about the future.

Our emergency relief assistance is funded solely by public donations and private grants to Red Cross. We need your help to keep it going.

Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2025. ABN 50 169 561 394