We want all girls and boys, women and men, to have equal access to humanitarian aid when they need it. This simple principle underpins everything we do.
Protecting children
Whether opening a relief centre or developing a water system, we always look at how to keep children safe and engaged. We train all Red Cross people to protect children and act on issues that affect their safety and wellbeing.
Supporting women's leadership
Women guide all we do, which means we address things others often miss: like including hygiene items in relief kits; creating safe and private spaces in evacuation centres; recognising women's key roles in protecting their family's health; or preventing gender-based violence during crises.
Being disability inclusive
People with disability face barriers every day. In a crisis, these barriers can be the difference between life and death. We work with people to identify and remove barriers, and achieve their potential.
Protecting people in war
We champion and disseminate the laws of war, which protect people who are not involved in the fight. Our international humanitarian law program works with governments, armed actors and other duty bearers.
Protecting people in detention
We monitor people in places of detention all around the world, including immigration detention. We focus on the conditions of detention and how people are treated and ensure they are receiving humane treatment.
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