
Working alongside communities to strengthen resilience and prepare for disasters.
Three women standing in front of a community noticeboard

RediCommunities is an Australian Red Cross initiative that empowers local communities to create and implement their own disaster resilience action plans.

Recognising that local communities know their own history, strengths, risks, and resources, RediCommunities supports them in identifying their unique needs and priorities. This assistance ensures that communities can create effective disaster resilience plans tailored to their specific context.

Australian Red Cross officers are embedded in communities for typically two to three years, providing continuous support to develop and execute these plans. This approach ensures that community voices are heard and represented in disaster resilience planning.

RediCommunities is designed to be flexible and adaptable, and build on existing community efforts, avoiding duplication. It promotes collaboration among communities, emergency services, local governments, and other agencies, integrating their efforts to improve local emergency management planning.

This flexible and inclusive approach ensures that the resilience-strengthening process is effective and coordinated, reflecting the unique needs and capacities of each community.


Throughout these phases, RediCommunities emphasises rigorous monitoring and evaluation practices to track progress, assess effectiveness, and ensure accountability. Sustainability is integral at every stage, including consideration of community exit strategies, to ensure enduring resilience efforts.

Through the efforts of the RediCommunities program, [our community] has experienced substantial positive change. Not only has the program bolstered resilience, but it has also fostered a stronger sense of unity, cooperation, and overall well-being within the community. The value of this work in [our community] has been significant.
RediCommunities participant in Victoria

Register your interest

To enquire about the program and find out more please complete the form below, and a member of our disaster resilience team will be in touch to discuss.

So, I think the RediCommunities program has strengthened the community, not just in an emergency response space, but also more broadly for some of those general things that as a community we might face as the minor week to week challenges. I think the outputs have probably exceeded the initial intent of the program.
Gary, RediCommunities participant, South Australia

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