Learn how to have supportive conversations

Effort: Medium | Time: < 3 hours

Two women having a conversation

A conversation can change a life. Learn how to meaningfully connect with the people around you and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.

Steps to take action

  1. Access the R U OK? website at www.ruok.org.au and use their resources and guides to learn how to ask R U OK?, listen, encourage action and check in.
  2. Roleplay a supportive conversation. Use the interactive conversation roleplay video on the website above to help you learn what to say after R U OK?
  3. Put up the R U OK? 4 steps poster at your workplace or school and encourage others to learn how to have supportive conversations. You will find the poster and other resources on the website in step one.
  4. Complete a Red Cross Mental Health First Aid course to improve your knowledge and skills in mental health first aid.

Helpful resources

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