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The everyday people making a huge contribution to our work


We greatly value the very generous contributions we receive from philanthropists and major donors, which in the past year amounted to more than $7.6M. This included support for people impacted by emergencies including the Black Summer bushfires, COVID-19, drought and the ongoing Syria and Myanmar/Bangladesh crises.

Additionally, philanthropists supported place-based community development approaches in Tennant Creek, mentoring support for young people who have been in contact with the justice system, and Learner Driver Mentoring support for migrants.

The Society of Women Leaders (SWL) is a dynamic collective of committed women leading in philanthropy, who work together to advance the mission of Australian Red Cross by bringing together like-minded women to make a measurable impact on important issues facing vulnerable communities in Australia and internationally. Since its inception in 2014, SWL has raised over $3.5M, with $850k being raised this year. These funds supported nine programs in FY20 including the Young Parents Program and Community Based Health & First Aid Prison Program in Australia, the deployment of International Aid Workers and the Integrated Community Based Risk Reductions program in Timor Leste.


We are thrilled to have the support of 749,266 people who made single or regular donations this year. The generous contribution of these Australians played a vital role in helping us build stronger and more resilient communities.


People who leave a bequest to Red Cross are particularly special. This year we received $12.3M from generous supporters who left a gift to Red Cross in their Will. This personal legacy strengthens our organisation and ensures we build strength and resilience in others for generations to come.

We sincerely thank the following supporters who generously gave gifts of more than $20,000 in their estates this year; and extend our deepest condolences to their loved ones.

Adeline Riley
Agenoria Harvey
Alexander Fraser
Alfred Ingram Chapman
Alice Pike
Allan Rowling
Annetta Adami
Antonio Gigliotti
Barry Callaway
Betty Pelton
Clare Humphries
Cynthia Brew
Daryl Howard
David Gunn
Donald Casson
Edith McCulloch
Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Saxby
Eric Jenkins
Georg Relecker
Geraldine Lambert
Graeme D Watson
Gwen Davis
Gwenth Chenerey-Callum
Harold Edward Ladbrook
Helga Bitterman
Helmut Wachter
Ian Sappay
Iris Sadler
J Upton
James Bailie
Jane Williamson
Jessica Ammendolia
Joan Barradell
Joan Finchley
John Gibbins
John Liddle
John Malcom Duggan
John Robertson

John Wilson
John Wright
Judith Eley
Judith Wright
Lachlan Chadwick Easton
Lawrence Snell
Leslie Tomkinson
Margaret Ditchburn
Margaret Langford
Margaret Munro
Marian Dunstall
Marie Knispel
Marion Wakefield
Marjorie James
Mary Eason
Maureen Robbins
Melvie Mary Bennett
Michelle Smith
Mihaly Juhasz
Monica Tracey
Otto Bitterman
Patricia Anna Anthony
Patricia Reid
Philippa Orr
Phyllis Lang
Phyllis Leavers
R Britton
Rosemary Mackrell
Ruth Mattner
Sharyn Murdoch-Daly
Sheila Fuller
Shirley Mottram
Stanoje Trailovic
Susan Bateman
Susan Hutchinson
Tammie Cooper
Victor Lion Meise
William Jory
William Mansell Higgins & Dorothy Higgins Charitable Trust