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Committees of the Red Cross Board

Six Red Cross Board Committees met during the year, all of which include Board Members. The Board also appoints various other committees, including advisory committees and specialist committees which are established for short-term, specific or ad hoc purposes.

The Committees of the Board include:

Audit and Risk Committee

Assists the Board in fulfilling its governance role and responsibilities in exercising due care, diligence and skill. The Committee oversees:

  • the statutory financial reporting process, including the annual financial statements and new or amended accounting policies
  • the scope of work, independence and performance of the internal and external auditors
  • the operation and implementation of the risk management framework
  • the system of accountability and internal control affecting the operations of the Society
  • the process for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies
  • the audit and risk management processes undertaken by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Board through its Risk Committee and its Finance and Audit Committee.

Finance Committee

Assists the Board in ensuring that Red Cross meets its essential financial requirements and sustainability. Specifically, the purpose of the Committee is to:

  • recommend to the Board financial, investment and property policies and strategies, and the medium to long term financial plans and annual operating and capital budgets, including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), that support the mission and strategic goals of Red Cross
  • monitor performance against financial plans and budget targets
  • recommend to the Board investment and property transactions in accordance with delegations.

National Awards Committee

Approves nominations for awards to recognise and reward Red Cross members, volunteers and staff for their contributions to the International Movement or Australian Red Cross Society, and makes recommendations for ways to acknowledge the efforts of Red Cross people.

National Youth Advisory Committee

Advises the Board and consults on youth policies and programs, including youth engagement and leadership opportunities. The responsibilities of the Committee are:

  • to act as a reference and support group for the National Youth Member of the Board and Council, and for other roles of the Committee Chair
  • provide oversight of, advice in relation to and champion the Youth Engagement Strategy and other related policies
  • to build governance and leadership skills of Committee members so they can better identify and address opportunities and challenges associated with youth engagement at Red Cross
  • to provide leadership and coordination for Divisional Youth Advisory Committees.

Nominations and Remuneration Committee

Supports and advises the Board regarding appointments of Board Members, succession planning, remuneration and employment, induction, training and education programs. The scope of responsibilities and activities include:

  • overseeing the process for making appointments and ensuring appropriate succession planning for the Australian Red Cross Board and the Blood Service Board
  • reviewing annually the remuneration for Blood Service Board members and recommending changes in remuneration to the Australian Red Cross Board
  • providing advice in relation to contemporary and emerging human resources trends, issues, practices and projects related to staff and volunteers
  • providing advice and oversight on policies relating to remuneration and terms and conditions of employment to support the strategic and operational goals and objectives of Australian Red Cross and meet the legal obligations of the organisation.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service Advisory Committee

Provides independent advice to the Blood Service Board on medical, scientific and research matters issues. The committee also provides assurance to the Red Cross Board that the Blood Service maintains the highest standards of medical and scientific practice and product safety. The responsibilities of the Committee are to:

  • review and provide advice on medical and scientific aspects (including technical and safety issues) of Blood Service activities as referred to it by the Blood Service Board or management or the Red Cross Board, or as it believes of its own initiative require the attention of management, the Blood Service Board or the Red Cross Board
  • receive an annual research summary from the Research Advisory Committee
  • consider regular reports including on blood products, donor and product safety and transfusion medicine services at each meeting
  • scan the external medical and scientific environment, to enable input to policy development and recommendations for research initiatives.