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Our Board

The role of the Board is to govern the activities of the Society, and in doing so, works to ensure that Red Cross acts in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) regulations, the International Movement’s Protocols, and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It also develops and maintains ethical standards based on a Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy.

The Board includes the President, Deputy President, the Audit and Risk Committee Chair, the Youth Member, the Chair or nominee of each of the eight Divisional Advisory Boards from every state and territory, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Chair and up to three Additional Board Members. While not members of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Services and International Operations, National Director of Marketing, Fundraising and Communications and Secretary attend Board meetings throughout the year.

Ensuring good governance is in place is a key Board responsibility, including mechanisms to provide for compliance with legal requirements and regulations, while safekeeping the ongoing financial viability of Red Cross. The Board monitors and periodically evaluates its own performance and strives to always have a skilled and diverse membership in place. It also establishes and implements a recognition process that acknowledges the efforts of members, volunteers and staff.

The Board met 10 times during this financial year, including a full-day strategy meeting. Board members appointed during the financial year undertook a full day of induction training covering all aspects of governance, Red Cross programs and management.

Committees of the Australian Red Cross Board

There are 15 Red Cross Board Committees, all of which include at least one Board Member or Special Councillor. The Board also appoints various other committees including advisory committees and specialist committees which are established for short term, specific or ad hoc purposes.

The Committees of the Australian Red Cross Board include:

Audit and Risk Committee: Assists the Board in ensuring that Red Cross meets its essential audit and risk compliance requirements.

Finance Committee: Assists the Board in ensuring that Red Cross meets its essential financial requirements.

Governance Committee: Reviews the governance framework of Red Cross and recommends improvements.

International Committee: Supports and advises the Board in its deliberations on the Society’s International Program, strategy, frameworks, policy and risk.

Nominations and Remuneration Committee: Supports and advises the Board regarding appointment of Board Members, succession planning, remuneration and employment, induction, training and education programs.

Services, Members and Volunteers Activities Committee: Guides and monitors the progress of Red Cross services and the activities of their members and volunteers.

Migration Programs Advisory Committee: Makes recommendations to the Board regarding Red Cross programs dealing with the impact of migration.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) Advisory Committee: Provides independent advice to the Board and to the ARCBS Board of Management on all technical and safety issues and ensures the highest standards of medical and scientific practice and product safety are met.

National Youth Advisory Committee: Advises the Board and consults on youth policies and programs, including youth engagement and leadership opportunities.

National Emergency Services Advisory Committee: Provides strategic advice to the Board on Emergency Services programs undertaken by Red Cross.

International Humanitarian Law Chairs Advisory Committee: Operates as a joint committee with the Commonwealth Government and advises the Board on all matters concerning international humanitarian law.

National Awards Committee: Approves nominations for awards and recommends to the Board ways to acknowledge the efforts of Red Cross people.

Specialist Committees

Information Technology Committee: Oversees Project Novar, the project replacing the existing IT platform, and moving to a common set of business processes throughout Australia. It also advises the Board on key decisions relating to the project.

2013 General Assembly and Council of Delegates Committee: Oversaw the planning for this meeting in Sydney held November 2013 following which the Committee was disbanded

Centenary and Membership Engagement Committee: Oversees planning for the centenary year 2014.